For those who don’t know what svelte is, it’s a component framework similar to React or Vue. It’s faster, reactive and has less boilerplate. Svelte runs at build time, converting your components into highly efficient imperative code that surgically updates the DOM. As a result, you’re able to write ambitious applications with excellent performance characteristics...
Generating React Boilerplate codes
Motivation I always get annoyed with the fact that almost every project you do on React usually needs Redux for state management and you need lot of boilerplate code for redux to work, with types, actions, actionCreators, reducers. And on top of that if we want to handle side effects we take the obvious choice redux-sagas. As we keep on adding new libraries and middleware, the amount of code you...
Building design system with styled-components and styled-system III
This is part 3 of this series Styled Component and Styled System. If you haven’t read Part 1 & Part 2 please go through them first. It is prerequisite before starting this part. In previous part we used the help of style system to create complex components with greater flexibility and power. Now we are going to enhance that further by adding few tools to our arsenal. The first thing we...