ArchiveApril 2019

Generating React Boilerplate codes


Motivation I always get annoyed with the fact that almost every project you do on React usually needs Redux for state management and you need lot of boilerplate code for redux to work, with types, actions, actionCreators, reducers. And on top of that if we want to handle side effects we take the obvious choice redux-sagas. As we keep on adding new libraries and middleware, the amount of code you...

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Shiva Pandey

Get in touch

Shiva is a Software Engineer with more than 5 years of experience in different industries like banking, services, software development, and startups. His passion is to create solutions that help others to work faster. He is a problem solver and enforces best practices within the team. His career plan is to become a Principal Software Engineer. In his free time, he likes to play music, football, and video games.